Tuesday, March 27, 2012

03.30 What Pacal Said...about BACAB... and 1248

So the binary is very easy to look at but only if we make solid, the leading zeros, to the left...

0001... this is a one
0010... this is a two
0011... this is a three...  and so on...

Do you remember what he said about showing the people of the Earth the 7, 4 and 13 then?...

"... in this way ..."

From the beginnings beginning... there is binary
Rows 1 2 4 8 contain the same pattern shown in Pacal's temple ...


and while that might not seem 'impressive', you must add the idea of 'Fibonacci', which is the natural growth pattern... so it starts by counting the ones, then zeros, to produce the 'first numbers', then adding their sums in a fibonacci pattern, produces the 'impressive part', which you will see in the charts below.

So to translate very small portions at a time... look again at Pacal's instructions

"... the 7, 4 and 13 ... in this way ..."

7 4 1 3
7 1 3 1
1 3 4 7
3 1 4 7

147 +

3333 = 12 x 1776 = 21312 'BACAB

identifying the pattern and isolating the sums, shows the word Bacab, which is completely related to the ancient Mayan and their creation stories.

image wiki
Throne support from Palenque showing a young man or ancestor acting as aBacab

3333 = 12 x 1776 = 21312 'BACAB'

... remember that Gematria is the assignment of number to a letter of alphabet, which means that using the 'English' alphabet, the positions of 2, 1, 3, 1 and 2, amount to the word 'BACAB'

A1 x x
B2 x x
C3 x
G7.... and so on

and remember that 1776 happens to be a very recognized year as displayed on the U$1.00 pyramid, which we will visit later.  MDCCLXXVI = 1776 so the answer is yes and certainly, this means the Mason and the construction stories of the one dollar bill.

BACAB = 21312 = 1776 x 12 ...
The sum of 3+3+3+3 is 12
the sum of 741 + 741 + 147 + 147 = 1776

It might be a bit much but do take a minute and 'consider' these things...
about what we think the ancients knew... about maybe, what we think we know...

so what Pacal 'said'... is "... this way ...", in this order

Notice that when placed in Pacal's way, a new 'switch' is shown... as 13 'mirrored', produces 31
...and by reason of the Mayan calendar 'start date', the number 1331 makes sense as it's clear these 'cross' each other to also make 3113.

"click the chart" and take a real good look...

Remember the rows 1 2 4 8 ...

This is how you read the chart...
Using the letters, starting row A, the position of that letter is 1, the four digit binary of the number 1 is zero zero zero one, the count of ones in the binary is 1, the count of zeros in the binary is 3, their count addition is
1+3 = 4
3+4 = 7
4+7 = 11
This addition is in the style of Fibonacci ... in the style of the 'golden mean'....
0001  1 3 4 7 11 

and the rows that Pacal points to...are clearly marked... rows 1 2 4 8, A B D H, also show us the 'elevens'.  I will leave your curiosity to research the 'eleven eleven' angel stories, but also i do find it interesting that the date, December 21, 2012 includes the exact time of 11:11

0001 1 3 4 7 11 one and one, is three
0010 1 3 4 7 11 one and one, is three
0100 1 3 4 7 11 one and one, is three
1000 1 3 4 7 11 one and one, is three

" back to basics babe "

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