Wednesday, October 24, 2012

5..Universal Codes, 1, 2, 3, the Magic, the Hebrew Calendar, 220 the Music and the Mayan 5125 'years'

As communication continues...
The number, 5125 was translated as 'years', in the Mayan Long Count calendar, the cycle contains 1872000 days and the 'ending' date is Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012, which is written to be the 'end' of the Mayan Calendar.

There is relationship, between these systems, these codes, these calendars and we, the people...

5125, translated as 'years' is not precise, so let's take another look at this number...

123 hours are 5.125 'days'
1230 'hours' then are 51.25 'days'
12300 'hours then are 512.5 'days' and this means...
123000 'hours' are 5125 'days'

123ABC "learn to read"
the Signal....

Now, onto the communication and the ten keys...

On a keyboard, or telephone keypad, or calculator keypad, while the numbers may appear in the opposite direction, are actually the same and you can do this, for yourself.

7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
x 0 x

The Signals...
The ten keys...
The mirrors and...
The communication

7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
x 0 x

Adding side to side, from the top row
789 + 987 = 1776 and as hours, 1776 are 74 days

adding vertically from the left column
741 + 147 = 888
147 + 741 = 888
sums..... = 1776

Adding side to side, from the 'bottom' row
123 + 321 = 444
321 + 123 = 444
123 + 321 = 444
321 + 123 = 444
sums .... = 1776

adding the echo of 'odd' numbers
11 + 33 + 99 + 77 = 220

adding the echo of 'even' numbers
22 + 66 + 88 + 44 = 220

and adding the echo of their 'centers'
55 + 55 + 55 + 55 = 220

As a reminder, on the US $1 dollar bill, the roman numerals MDCCLXXVI = 1776
Notice the 'twin' values of CC XX

In Roman numbers, the CC = 200 and the XX = 20 meaning their sums are 220

and 220 are many things...

An octave = 220
Max heart rate = 220
Voltage = 220

Now again, looking at the ten keys on the keyboard...

7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
x 0 x

Doing the pattern of 1776, you can visibly see a pattern created that looks like an 'arrow' pointing toward the right side.  Mirroring this pattern on the opposite side gives a value of 3994, creating a pattern of an 'arrow' pointed toward the left side.  I relate this to 'west meets east'....

Taking the sums and combining them...

3994 +
and this number, is also the same value as the Hebrew/Jewish calendar year of 5770 which equals 'Gregorian' calendar year 2009/2010.

" ...The Hebrew calendar (הלוח העברי ha'luach ha'ivri), or Jewish calendar, is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jewish religious observances. It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portion, yahrzeits (dates to commemorate the death of a relative), and daily Psalm reading, among many ceremonial uses. In Israel, it is an official calendar for civil purposes and provides a time frame for agriculture. The current year of the Jewish calendar (16 September 2012 to 4 September 2013) is 5773 ..." wiki

If the current year, 2012 / 2013 is 5773 on the Hebrew calendar, then doing the line up of the last four years... we can see...

5773 = 2012 / 2013
5772 = 2011 / 2012
5771 = 2010 / 2011
5770 = 2009 / 2010

3994 +
5770, Hebrew calendar year 2009 / 2010

as a reminder

1776 as 'hours' = 74 days, the US date of Independence is 7 / 4 / 1776


7 = G
4 = D

From date:Friday, December 21, 2012 'end' Mayan Long Count cycle date, Winter Solstice
Added 195 days
Resulting date: Thursday, July 4, 2013 'Begin' ... New Understanding

195 days ...

13 + 13 = 26
13 x 13 = 169
sums 26 + 169 = 195

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