Friday, September 28, 2012

213 musical boxes

The Rosslyn chapel has 213 musical boxes on each panel along the topsides...
While I've been working with 312, I didn't forget 213... but just now am realizing where it can be placed.
Remember... the Mayan used 13 and 18 as important numbers to their maths...
Hears why....

the addition...1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 = 91 x 4 = 0364
which means ...................ABCDEFGHIJKLM = 91 X 5 = 0455
which means ..................NOPQRSTUVWXYZ = 260 X 5 = 1300
.....14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 = 260 x 4 = 1040

These are the first 26 count of ... everything.

Their sums are these
0364 by four
0455 by five
1300 by five
1040 by four

Adding the like sums...
by the fives 455 + 1300 = 1755 / 13 = 135 ... a point of measure.
by the fours 364 + 1040 = 1404 / 18 = 078 ... a point of means.
.................................31...213...... two, Ein......

135 + 078 their sums = 213 'musical boxes'

312 and 213
and these are solid ;)

It's a solid having 48 equal triangular faces...

"hear the music yet?" ;) x

read about the solids

"mirrors 52, to BE"

31213 C A B A C ... cabac
21312 B A C A B ... bacab

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